1) The descendants of Sam
2) descendants of Ham
3) The descendants of Japheth.
Gn.9:26 He also said, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem.
Noah speaks of “Jehovah” as “the God of Shem”, implying the blessings that Shem will receive. This means that the descendants of Shem will be especially heirs of religious and spiritual blessings (Luther, Calvin). This was evident in later history, when the Semitic Israelites were chosen as the elect (Jn 19: 5, 6; Deut. 7: 6-11), serving only as recipients and preachers of the true religion of Jehovah's religion. but also as a descendant of the woman promised from the descendants of Shem (3:15), Christ, the savior of the people, was born (Willet, Mephy Kephy)
Unlike the list of 14 descendants of Japheth, which is relatively simple, the list of Ham descendants was 30 and the descendants of Shem were 26, and the most powerful of the three sons were descendants of Ham.
Since the descendants of Ham, who, based on strong force, hindered the flow of redemption history, Noah's prophecy(Gn.9:26, 27)was ridiculed but it was so exacting that it was fulfilled without a single point of error in history.
Ham's descendants enjoyed prosperity and abundance, boasting fertile land, vast territories, many races, and strong physical strength like Nimrod, as mentioned in Gn.10: 10-12, around the Nile valley (Egypt) and the ancient Palestine region. .As history progressed, however, Ham's descendants were gradually conquered and controlled by the descendants of Shem and Japheth. Eventually, Noah's prophecy was fulfilled, "Canaan be cursed and be a slave to his brother's servants" (9:25).
The descendants of Ham were conquered by the Japheth-Persians,
Soon during the Canaan Conquest War (BC 1406-1400), he was thoroughly conquered by the Shemite Israelites and laid down as a lowly servant (Jos. 9:23), and the rest was fully conquered in Solomon's time (970-930 BC). (1 Kings 9: 20,21). Furthermore, we can find a history of humiliation and slavery in which the Canniche, Hamni, Beni-Gain, Carthage, and Egyptian were also thoroughly conquered by the Japheth-Persians, Macedonians, and Romans (Keil, Pulpit). )
A) the descendants of Japheth flourished
As Noah prophesied, "God has made Japheth great" (9:27), the descendants of Japheth spread out to a vast region of the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and the Spanish coast (Gen. 10: 2-5). )
Gn. 9:27 May God extend the territory of Japheth; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his slave."
After the descendants of Japheth flourished to the extent that all of Europe occupied, it could be seen as the fulfillment of the words that the Semitic tribes entered the Roman empire with the Gospel and became Christian nations.
B) the progeny of Japheth were received into the Shem tabernacle.
We follow, Noah predicts that there will be a temporary dissension between Shem and Japheth, although he retains both in his family, and calls both his lawful heirs; and that afterwards the time will come, in which they shall again coalesce in one body, and have a common home. It is, however, most absolutely certain, that a prophecy is here put forth concerning things unknown to man, of which, as the event, at length, shows, God alone was the Author. Two thousand years, and some centuries more, elapsed before the Gentiles and the Jews were gathered together in one faith. Then the sons of Shem, of whom the greater part had revolted, and cut themselves off from the holy family of God, were collected together, and dwelt under one tabernacle. Also the Gentiles, the progeny of Japheth, who had long been wanderers and fugitives, were received into the Shem tabernacle. For God, by a new adoption, has formed a people out of those who were separated, and has confirmed a fraternal union between alienated parties. This is done by the sweet and gentle voice of God, which he has uttered in the gospel; and this prophecy is still daily receiving its fulfillment, since God invites the scattered sheep to join his flock, and collects, on every side, those who shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.