Gn.4:19 Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah.
Gn.4:20 Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock.
Gn.4:21 His brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play the harp and flute.
Gn.4:22 Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron. Tubal-Cain's sister was Naamah.
Gn.4:23 Lamech said to his wives, "Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words. I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me.
Gn.4:24 If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times."
A) the background that led to the judgment of the flood.
It is a scene where Cain's descendants flourish as they create civilization and culture in their land.
The following seven genealogies of Cain and their lives are briefly introduced. They made a vigorous civilization, building cities (v. 17), developing livestock (v. 20), inventing musical instruments (v. 21), and making farm equipment and weapons (v. 22). However, the civilization of Cain's descendants, who left before Jehovah (v. 16), was a worldly civilization for humans and never a civilization for Jehovah. It was a civilization of pride, corruption, and indulgence under the influence of sin. This is more evident in Lamech's bloody song, which broke God's order of creation and married two wives (v. 23, 24). As such, the history of mankind, which began with sin, became further from God's will because of the rapid spread of sin (Psalm 73), and the fall of mankind began at the peak of civilization's development. It was the background that led to the judgment of the flood.
B) Word fulfillment
Gn.4:11 Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.
Gn.4:12 When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth."
Gn.5:24 And Enoch walked with God; he was not in the world, because God took him.
He walked with God = "Enoch lived the right life after God's will." Enoch was a shining star who lived a life of holiness before God in fellowship with God even when Cain's civilization reached its peak. Later, Noah, Enoch's great-grandson, was also called "the one who walked with God" (6: 9) in the fall of mankind.
He was not in the world by taking him. = So Enoch ascended at his age of 365 years without taste of death. Enoch was the one who pleased God by faith (Hebrews 11: 5,6), who rebuked the ungodliness of his surroundings for his godly life and foretold the coming of the Lord (Jude 1: 14,15). The hope that those who live by faith and godliness like Enoch can overcome death (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52), Thus, the Enoch case is a clear example of the fact that only a faith can prevail over the power of death for all generations to come and come.
Gn.5:21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah.
Gn.5:22 And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters.
Named Enoch's son Methuselah (meaning "great expansion" or "spear thrower"): The spear thrower fights in front of the war and the meaning of the expansion will vary depending on the victory of the "spear thrower." The triumph of faith of spear thrower will lead to a great expansion of the faith of the descendants of Seth; the failure of faith will lead to a great expansion of unbelief. It can be said that Enoch knew that Enoch was nearing the time of judgment when his son Methuselah died. It seems that Methuselah's longest life in the world (969 years old) could be related to the probation of judgment.
Gn.5:25 When Methuselah had lived 187 years, he became the father of Lamech.
Gn.5:26 And after he became the father of Lamech, Methuselah lived 782 years and had other sons and daughters.
Gn.5:27 Altogether, Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.
Lamech was a believer who hoped for God's help and consolation (5:29). When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a son.
He named him Noah and said, "He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed."(ver.28, 29) Through this confession, we can see how humans have gone through extreme hardships that began from the fall of faith after Enoch. Under these circumstances, the meaning of the name "Noah" was quite significant.