Because of the fall of man, God created a new relationship because the beautifully created natural world was destroyed, the relationship between God and human beings was destroyed, and the harmony between man and nature was destroyed. By this, human beings were again confirmed with the blessings of God from creation and were able to grow, multiply, and fill the earth, ensuring their sovereignty over the natural world.
Noah's three sons, surviving after the Flood, had walked a different path of fate in response to the drunken Noah's mistake and resulted in God's salvation history being made through the descendants of Shem. Originally, humanity was a descendant of Adam and a descendant of Noah, and all human beings had the same ancestry.
The blessings of prosperity that blessed Noah's day show how various people originated from a single ancestor. At the same time, God confused the language of the human race against God by building the tower of Babel, so that the scattering of people all over the earth would be accelerated. This concludes with the introduction of the Abrahamic lineage, a descendant of Shem, among the dispersed people.
The Second mankind that began after the flood Judgment can be divided into three major divisions.